I'm home. My last few days in British Columbia were spent in Vancouver. Among the activities were watching the U.S. lose to Canada in the gold medal hockey final, watching about a hundred thousand Canadians celebrating like madmen, watching Neil Young and other acts perform at the closing ceremonies, celebrating the end of the Games with co-workers, visiting the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge and honoring Vanessa's birthday with friends. It was a fun two and a half days and a great way to cap off my time in Canada.
The photo above is from the suspension bridge, which is just the largest of a labyrinth of bridges amongst the trees in Northern Vancouver. Locals probably consider it a tourist trap, but I had never seen trees like this before and the photo opportunities along were worth the steep price of admission. The Olympic Games were an amazing conclusion to an awesome nine-month stint with the U.S. Olympic Committee. As a way to close down this blog, I will post an extensive photo album in the coming days. Thanks for reading and see you in London 2012.
Canadian Observation of the Day: Canadian hockey fans talk trash but are otherwise completely harmless
Final Medal Count: USA 37, Germany 30, Canada 26