I know what you're thinking, "WAC." But you're wrong, TCU is in the underrated Mountain West Conference with the likes of BYU and soon-to-be Boise State. This stadium will be my new home field. A month from now, I'll be living in Fort Worth disguised as a Horned Frog. Don't worry, underneath all the purple paraphernalia, I'll still bleed orange. You can take the Horn out of Austin, but you can't make him root whole-heartedly for another school.
All jokes aside, I'm really looking forward to spending the next two years in "Cow Town." I've heard only good things about the school, campus and downtown area. I'm excited to explore the city. I have very little experience with Fort Worth, so I'll be starting from scratch. I can't wait to see Billy Bob's honky-tonk, try out Cousin's BBQ, drink at the original Flying Saucer pub, and peruse the city's many museums. My apartment is located on the banks of the Trinity River, near Trinity Trail and not far from the famed Fort Worth Zoo and scenic Botanic Garden.
A week from Sunday, I embark on a 24-hour flight to Singapore for the Youth Olympic Games. I've got a lot of packing to do.
Singapore tidbit: Singapore is the world's fourth leading financial center and the primary language is English.
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