This is both the farthest East and South I have ever been. Until two days ago, I had never ventured past Western Europe. I have definitely never been this close to the Equator. Singapore's tropical climate results in beautiful green forests, but also sweltering humidity. Aside from feeling like I'm walking through thick, wet air at all times, I love this city-state. The flora is unlike anything I've seen before. The closest would probably be Vancouver, which has almost as much rain. It rains here every day around 6pm.
I am staying in the athletes village, which was converted from the National Institute of Education, a sprawling college on the western edge of town. I have to take a shuttle between my dorm room and the dining hall. It's not as close to downtown Singapore as I expected or hoped. It only makes me more excited to begin real work Friday morning at the Main Press Centre in downtown. Today, I'm planning to meet up with my former U.S. Olympic Committee boss, Lisa Ramsperger, who arrived yesterday. I met up with former fellow USOC intern, Ian Jaray, already today. It's great to see familiar faces.
Singapore tidbit: The currency is the Singapore dollar. A $25 t-shirt in Singapore will cost about $18 US dollars.
Click HERE to read my feature on fencers Tim Morehouse and Ben Igoe from Summer Nationals in Atlanta.
Nick - you are my hero. ENJOY!!